Some adoptive parents may have many questions about how to raise a child with special needs. Rainbow Kids, started by founder Martha Osborne in 1996, is a collection of informational adoption resources whose mission is to provide an advocate voice specifically for those children in public care waiting for families.
As the website itself mentions explicitly, Rainbow Kids is not an adoption agency and will not place children for adoption. As the name implies, though, Rainbow Kids is devoted to publicizing information on children of all walks of life across the globe. Accordingly, on its page, there are sections for international photolistings and information for parents on adopting from individual countries.
Rainbow Kids is a particularly valuable source of information because it is updated regularly and the information it provides comes from so many different channels. Chief among them is the free online magazine hosted on the official Rainbow Kids website. A weekly E-newsletter on adoption is also available to those who subscribe, as well as a national database of families looking to adopt, adoption guides and resources.
Additionally, for those who are on the fence about adoption support groups, Rainbow Kids is by no means a dead end in this regard. On its page, information is regularly posted on adoption support groups and national adoption events, and there is a featured section on community networking for adoptive parents.