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All You Need To Know About Establishing Parental Rights

All You Need To Know About Establishing Parental Rights

After the results of a child paternity test establishes a child’s paternity, establishing parental rights from the very beginning is crucial. After establishing paternity, that is one aspect of which a father should be most aware. Establishing paternity by taking a child paternity test is going to be the very first step in establishing parental rights. 
Additionally, after formally establishing paternity with a child paternity test, the work is not over for the biological father. The key to the entire goal at hand is to make sure that the child’s father is ready, willing, and able to do everything within their legal means to ensure that parental rights as that child’s birth father are satisfied.
One of the first things that the child’s father should look towards in establishing his legal parental rights is by seeking the legal documentation that is going to aid in confirming the positive paternity of the child paternity test. The official way of establishing paternity confirmation within the legal system is to be recognized in the court’s paternity registry.
Once a father has taken a child paternity test that proves that he is that child’s father and has taken a course of action to educate himself on the full scope of his parental rights, it is his responsibility to put these legal findings into action. After establishing paternity with a child paternity test, it is going to be that father’s obligation to make sure that his parental rights are recognized. 
If a father is ever in an instance in which he has gone to the measures of establishing paternity and his parental rights are still not being brought to fruition, it is then that father’s parental right to take legal action to enforce those rights.

Quick Overview of the Default Judgment of Paternity

Quick Overview of the Default Judgment of Paternity

Although there are various reasons as to why a potential father may fail to appear on the scheduled date in order to have a paternity check administered, one of the most common reasons why some men are believed to not appear is because they are denying paternity. They may be denying paternity for many reasons, and therefore, feel it unnecessary to have a paternity check.
One of the best ways that some of these men believe they should show that they are denying paternity is by failing to appear in court on the date that they are scheduled to receive the paternity check testing. Many have come to realize that this method of denying paternity rarely works in their favor. They find that due to their failure to appear in court, a default judgment has been entered against them.
This means that they must assume the responsibilities as that child’s father, even though there is no proof presented to the court that they ever tested positive for a paternity check.
Then there are the cases where the potential fathers are not denying paternity, but want to confirm the possibility of being a father through a paternity check. Unfortunately, even if they are not outright denying paternity and want to have a paternity check administered, a failure to appear in court on the scheduled date will have negative consequences.
Not only may they not be issued a legal paternity check, but there may also be an automatic default judgment issued in the case. Even though they may not have been denying paternity initially, they sometimes learn that whether or not they were denying paternity and whether or not they had wanted to receive a paternity check is immaterial to the legal matter at hand.
Oftentimes, in many of the cases where that male was not outright denying paternity, the man will offer evidence to the court to explain his failure to appear. It is then up to the court to either consider the defendant’s submission or maintain the original default judgment.

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