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Warning Signs

How To Recognize Warning Signs

How To Recognize Warning Signs

Victims of emotional child abuse often display several indicators to illuminate their unfortunate position. These troubled youths may demonstrate a significant change in their behavior and personality. They also may not interact with their friends and family the way that they used to and they may avoid social situations altogether. A child who is experiencing emotional abuse may develop very low self-esteem and display behavior that is related to this development.

Physical Abuse Warning Signs
Physical abuse is the most well-known and most recognized form of child abuse, although it is not the most common type. In most cases, it is much easier for an individual to recognize when physical abuse is taking place than it is for to identify emotional abuse or sexual abuse. Physical abuse often leaves a child with visible injuries that can be seen and assessed. 
The injuries that a child may sustain due to physical abuse may range a great deal in type and severity. They may vary from a small cut to a broken or fractured limb. The injuries that a child will receive due to physical abuse will be unlike the normal injuries that a child may receive from taking part in everyday activities. If an individual notices that a child is displaying warning signs and symptoms of physical abuse, it is extremely important to report the abuse to their local child protective services agency. 

Neglect is the most common form of child abuse in the United States and is extremely detrimental to a child’s physical, social and psychological development. When neglect occurs, a child may not be provided with the necessities that he/she needs to survive. This may include food, clothing, or proper shelter. If a child is refused these basic necessities, it may result in the death. 

Sexual Abuse

When a child has been subjected to sexual abuse, that child may exhibit both physical and emotional signs and symptoms. Sexual abuse is very traumatic for a child and it will have a substantially negative impact on a child’s emotional and social growth. The effects of sexual abuse may be long term or permanent, and may be detrimental to a child’s future relationships. 
In some cases, it may be difficult to determine whether or not a child has been sexually abused because; these victims often remain very secretive about what has happened. There are emotional, behavioral, and physical indicators of abuse that are specific to sexual abuse. 
A victim of sexual abuse may display fear and anxiety in a variety of certain occasions. They may experience pain that will be directly related to sex and molestation. There are also specific behaviors that an adult who is responsible for sexual abuse may perform. It is important for a parent or guardian to become familiar with these behaviors and warning signs. They may help a parent or a guardian to protect their child from an extremely terrifying and damaging form of abuse.

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