The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption was created in 1992 as a public, non-profit adoption organization. The Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption has some nationally-publicized initiatives that reflect the spirit of raising awareness about the plight of waiting children so strong within Dave Thomas.
Adoption professionals are encouraged to be aggressive while still being responsible in placing children out of foster care. Wendy’s Wonderful Kids is a primary part of that agenda. The program, as the name implies, is child-focused and makes use of grants and funds as an incentive of sorts for those professionals to secure permanent homes for eligible children.
Getting employers to offer assistance to adoptive parents was also a major goal put forth by Dave Thomas. Adoption benefits for employees such as partial reimbursement of adoption expenses and paid adoption leave are of critical importance to the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. Its yearly Adoption-Friendly Workplace Reports are a valuable tool for the working public to see what benefits potential employers might be able to award them.