Home Breaking the Cycle

Breaking the Cycle

Beware Abuse Begetting Abuse

Beware Abuse Begetting Abuse

Many of the people who are responsible for subjecting a child to child abuse have themselves experienced abuse as a child. Often, an individual has learned first hand that instilling fear in a child is an effective way of maintaining power and control. They may rely on violence or brutality in order to create this fear.
In other cases, and individual who has experienced child abuse may remain severely depressed and so damaged from the abuse that they are indifferent to the well being of their child. In cases such as this, an individual is likely to expose their own children to abuse or neglect. 
Not all individuals who have been abused as children go on to abuse their child. However, in many cases, abuse creates more abuse. Child abuse education and treatment are very important in order to break this cycle of abuse. Breaking the cycle of child abuse requires an individual to confront the abuse that they experienced, and to seek child abuse treatment. If an individual who has been abused never receives child abuse treatment, that individual will continue to carry the consequences of child abuse with them. 
In order to overcome the negative effects of child abuse, a person will need to accept what they have experienced, and talk about the thing to which they were subjected. Child abuse treatment will allow an individual to confront the abuse that they were inflicted with, instead of trying to suppress the memories of their experiences.
Attending a support group or therapy may help an individual who has experienced abuse to acknowledge what has happened to them, and will assist with developing effective methods of coping with the negative consequences of abuse. 
Child abuse treatment will help an individual to overcome depression, anger, and resentment, that may prompt an individual to abuse or neglect their own child. If an individual who has been abused does not enlist the help of child abuse treatment in order to confront their experience, then they may be more likely to repeat the cycle of abuse. Child abuse education and treatment is necessary in order to break the pattern.
Child abuse education will help a parent to develop positive parenting skills. It will help a parent to improve their communication skills, and teach families how to express their emotional and physical needs and desires in a healthy way. Child abuse education and treatment will teach an individual how to recognize and remedy problems that are developing within a relationship. It will give families the tools that they need in order to manage these problems in an effective and healthy manner. 
Child abuse education will also assist a parent in learning how use acceptable forms of discipline. It will teach a parent how to modify behavior so that they do not repeat the abuse that was inflicted upon them. Child abuse treatment and education is essential in order to break the cycle of child abuse, and to teach an individual who has suffered from abuse how to relate to his/her children in a positive and effective way, without inflicting abuse.

What You Need to Know About Breaking the Cycle

What You Need to Know About Breaking the Cycle

There are many resources that individuals can use in order to prevent child abuse and end the cycle of violence and suffering. Many individuals who have experienced abuse will seek professional counseling in order to assist them with coping with the effects of abuse.
If an individual does not receive therapy or some other form of treatment for the abuse that they have experienced, they may be more likely to subject their children to abuse for a variety of reasons. Parents may choose to enlist the help of parenting education classes in order to teach them positive parenting skills and effective methods of discipline.
Parental education is an extremely important resource that can be used in order to help prevent child abuse from occurring. It is easy for a parent to become angry and frustrated when their child misbehaves or disobeys them. However, due to the frustration that they experience, many parents will resort to aggressive forms of discipline.
Many individuals who have been subjected to abuse as a child have seen their abuser go unpunished and receive the benefit of maintaining power and control. In instances such as this, an individual who was abused as a child may have learned that resorting to abuse is a way to achieve control without negative repercussions.
An individual who has been abused may also maintain the detrimental psychological and emotional effects of abuse into adulthood. Because of this, an individual may experience extreme depression or a feeling of worthlessness. 
People who are suffering from these negative self-perceptions and harmful psychological disorders may become indifferent to their child. Therefore, the parent may subject their child to neglect or abuse. In order to end this cycle, an individual who has been abused should seek treatment for the abuse and may choose to take positive parenting classes.

What You Need to Know About Parental Education

What You Need to Know About Parental Education

organizations offer parenting classes that have been developed in order to
teach parents positive parenting skills. They will also teach parents about
child abuse and how to stop child abuse. Many of these classes are aimed at
assisting families to develop effective means of providing care and support to
each other. They will teach parents how to communicate needs and desires, as
well as effective ways to express and recognize both physical and emotional

classes may inform parents of the causes, effects, risk factors, and any other
information about child abuse. They may also teach parents how to prevent or stop
child abuse. These positive parenting classes will teach parents acceptable and
successful ways to discipline a child. They will also teach parents how to
effectively manage anxiety and stress.

classes may provide parents with concepts and ideas of regular activities that
may be scheduled in order to bring the family closer together and promote
bonding. Many of these organizations provide parenting classes free of charge.
These organizations may also provide separate classes that are specifically
about child abuse and how to stop child abuse.

Parents may
be encouraged to attend child abuse classes. However, these classes are often
used to inform the general public about child abuse, the signs that child abuse
is occurring, and the effects that abuse will have on a child. It will also
teach individuals how to report child abuse and how to stop child abuse. Informing
both parents and the public about child abuse is one of the best ways to
prevent child abuse.

Therapy At A Glance

Therapy At A GlanceTherapy is one of the primary sources that families turn to in order to receive treatment for child abuse. Child abuse therapy works against child abuse by confronting both the factors that are causing the abuse, as well as the effects of the abuse that the child has sustained. Both the abused child and the parent or the guardian can benefit from this therapy. 

Understanding the Abuser Often is Suffering as well

Understanding the Abuser Often is Suffering as well

Physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, or neglect all have a severe detrimental effect on a child’s self-esteem. An individual may never recover from the negative perspective which they have developed of themselves. Self-hatred due to abuse may be carried into adulthood and into the individual’s relationship with their spouse and children.
A child abuser is often suffering from extreme depression and self-doubt. As a child, they may have learned that inflicting abuse in order to instill fear and control is the most effective way to maintain a loyal and faithful family. In order to achieve this control, a child abuser may resort to violence and physical abuse. They may feel that if their spouse and children are not afraid of them, that they will leave and create a happy life without the abuser.
A child abuser may not enjoy inflicting pain on a family, but due to severely low self-esteem, they may feel that it is necessary. Also, child abusers often suffer from psychological disorders or substance abuse.  

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