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Quick Overview on Drug Abuse

Quick Overview on Drug Abuse

For juvenile drug treatment to be successful, it has to target a specific drug-related issue, though this does not mean that addictions to several drugs cannot be treated. Juvenile drug abuse is so prevalent for youths in detention, in fact, that juvenile drug treatment is a necessity for a lot of facilities and rehabilitation programs.
According to a five-year study conducted by the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse, also known as CASA, some 80% of juvenile arrests in the United States involved children with some sort of drug problem. It is estimated less than 5% of those children received adequate juvenile drug treatment from facilities to help the fight against habitual use.
Consequently, it can be reasoned that youths who do not receive juvenile drug treatment will be at risk for drug abuse in the future. Statistics from the National Institute on Drug Abuse confirm as much: offenders who had completed drug treatment during juvenile detention were likely to be arrested for drug crimes than those who never sought juvenile drug treatment or dropped out of treatment.

All You Need to Know About Family Patterns

All You Need to Know About  Family Patterns

In hypothesizing about the relationship between one’s family and one’s propensity toward delinquency, researchers have devoted much attention to the type of home setup involved as a contributing factor. The results are fairly illuminating. Significant increases in delinquency have been observed in families of individuals who have committed at least one juvenile offense where parental supervision is lacking, or where marital strife and domestic abuse are present.
Another key predictor of juvenile offenses and delinquency may not come as a surprise. It has been well documented that children are more likely to be charged with a juvenile offense if one or more parents has a criminal record. Worst of all, the cycle of juvenile offenses is often perpetuated by these offending minors once they reach adulthood and have families of their own.
Noting how juvenile offenders have statistically been linked to poor employment records, low income and fractured households, the same conditions that enabled their lives of crime may pave the road to delinquency for their own children. Oftentimes, it takes a strong network of support and outside professional help for families to finally break this cycle.   

Gangs At A Glance

Gangs At A Glance

For adult members of some communities, there is less concern that their young children may be mixed up in a gang than there is concern for their safety and that of their children. Given the size of the American population, juvenile inclusion in a gang is low. Studies suggest that most children who do affiliate themselves with a gang at some point, anywhere from a half of them to two-thirds of them will only align themselves with such an organization for a year or less.          
Moreover, seeing as juvenile gang violence is the biggest source of violent crime. Those who have been in the juvenile justice system are also more than five times as likely to be arrested as adults for serious crimes than those who were never confined.d.en compared to rates in the 1990s. 

Quick Look On Statistics

Quick Look On Statistics

One important distinction to make regarding juvenile crime statistics is to separate the number of arrests from cases closed. Juvenile crime statistics take more than just the raw numbers of crimes into account. They also give a profile of the juvenile delinquent population in the United States, especially with regard to race and gender.
One group that stands out in terms of juvenile delinquency statistics is young black males. Though they make up only about a sixth of the total child population in America, black minors were responsible in 2008 for more than half of all juvenile violent crimes. Juvenile crime statistics also tell of what types of crimes were committed by minority groups and how they have changed with time. According to juvenile delinquency statistics, females make up only 30% of all juvenile arrests, but have seen increases in crime rates for specific crimes (e.g. disorderly conduct, DUI, assault).         
Overall, though, juvenile crime statistics tell a positive story for the United States as a whole. Granted, there are areas within where underage crime is higher than the national average in a statistically significant way. Nonetheless, compared to past epochs, crime is down for all age groups under the age of 40 when compared to rates in the 1990s. 

Quick Overview to Mental Illness and Child Offenders

Quick Overview to Mental Illness and Child Offenders

When most Americans hear the term “convicted child offender”, they automatically assume it is in reference to an adult who has been found guilty of a crime of a sexual naturejuvenile. In terms of mental or psychological illness among child offenders, statistics show that mental illness makes for a fairly solid predictor of other problems for child offenders. One area of notable concern among policymakers for its co-occurrence with psychological abnormalities in the convicted child offender population is substance abuse.         
It should be the noted that the above assumes the care offered to the convicted child offender population is of high quality. However, many suggest mental health resources provided by public juvenile detention facilities are severely lacking. 

Make Sure You Know The Juvenile Detention Statistics and Trends

Make Sure You Know The Juvenile Detention Statistics and Trends

Overall, downward trends in absolute numbers of crimes are truly a source of inspiration for America. However, what happens after arrests is not as comforting.
Unfortunately, for certain subsets of the population, delinquency and detention are still persistent and on the rise. Black males in their teens are especially at risk for being arrested for underage crime and are responsible for some half of all juvenile crimes in the United States.
Females are also becoming more and more frequent delinquents. While incidents of crimes in certain areas of crime have gone down for girls in comparison to boys, they are seeing spikes where their male counterparts are seeing drops. Overall, though, the efforts of local law enforcement, juvenile court and delinquency prevention agencies have proven to be positive influences on national percentages.    

Success Rates
Although juvenile courts and detention facilities have no legal responsibility to care for delinquent children once they reach the age of majority, the moral imperative of our nation to ensure the welfare of all our citizens should prompt us to have concern for what happens to them when they leave the embrace of juvenile law, assuming they are not retained in a State or Federal prison as a result of being found guilty of a criminal offense.
From most indications, this is a very big concern indeed. Though the stated aim of secure juvenile facilities is reform, the data does not lie: detainees and minors committed to a detention center are more likely than non-detainees to be arrested as an adult. 
In addition, increased propensity toward being arrested is only part of the story, as freedom from incarceration is not a wholly reliable barometer of success. In terms of school and work, individuals with a juvenile record are frequent underachievers compared to their non-criminal competitors. Less than 20 percent of juvenile delinquents have been found to graduate high school or obtain their GED, and those high school graduates more than likely will not find employment within a year of receiving their diploma.
As for other standards of living, juvenile offenders similarly tend to find problems. Juvenile delinquency is a solid predictor of low-income household and poverty, as well as divorce.

Family Patterns
In pointing the finger at causes and risk factors for child delinquency, many people will look to the child’s environment. Certainly, the living conditions in a particular area and/or one’s association with gangs and other delinquents makes one that much more likely to be sucked into a world of violence and crime. 

Becoming Repeat or Adult Offenders
What makes manifestation of this phenomenon more lamentable is both how early in childhood it can begin and how long-lasting the effects of juvenile delinquency can be. The earlier children get involved with the juvenile justice system, the more probable it is that they will return for multiple court appearances and periods of residence in detention centers. As regards rates of juvenile delinquents becoming adult offenders, it is naturally harder to make connections because juvenile records are typically sealed.
Drug Abuse
Though most detention centers and other secure facilities have treatment programs in place for those contained within and detention does create a physical barrier for inmates from the accessibility to narcotics and other drugs, drug abuse and drug dependency in youth offenders is not a problem that can be solved overnight. The good news for America is that anti-drug programs are correlated with a lower number of arrests for underage possession of drugs and driving under the influence.
However, for the existing juvenile delinquent population, the fight against drug use is indeed a struggle. Though in-house drug abuse treatment may prove effective in the short run, long-term abstinence during recovery is far from a guarantee: short-term treatment or failure to complete treatment may only yield a stronger possibility of return. Furthermore, the juvenile trying to cope without one or more drugs will almost certainly have to endure withdrawal. This is assuming that a facility has the means to reliably implement treatment.
Statistics suggest that a small minority of juvenile delinquents forced to live outside of home truly get the services they need. Moreover, other statistics on the efficacy of pre-release drug treatment and post-release aftercare programs are well documented, putting some juvenile drug abusers at a serious disadvantage to their maturation.

Some parents may be simply concerned that they are not victimized personally by gang violence, but their children may be at serious risk for membership in a gang and arrest, noting the violent tendencies of these groups and the relative frequency at which children are arrested as compared with an adult. It is hard to place exact statistics on total affiliation of American juveniles within gangs for reasons including the notion of secrecy in gang involvement, lack of an ironclad definition of what constitutes a gang, and whether or not someone is a full member of a gang.
Still, surveys and other forms of gathering data are responsible for some semblance of an idea of the problem’s scope in the United States. Some 750,000 American children are estimated to be gang-affiliated in some way, most of them male, and many Hispanic or black. 
Critics of these statistics suggest that the gang problem is not a serious one, as the absolute numbers are low when viewed alongside that of the total child population and under the assumption that gang violence is not widespread, confined mainly to urban areas. However, while this may be true, the growing incidence of gang-related incidents in the suburban United States and the very nature of gang-related crimes is rather startling.
More than half of all violent crimes in America involve gang violence. Moreover, though most gang members belong for less than a year, gang affiliation may persist past periods of confinement in correctional facilities or may even intensify as a result of it. Numerous institutions have reported outbreaks of violence related to gang conflict and those acts are likely to continue into adulthood for juveniles in gangs. 

Mental Illness
The term “child offender” may be individuals found guilty as a child, often a “status offense” that is only illegal by virtue of the offender’s age. Either way, child offenders are often mentally ill in some way. Regarding the latter category of offenders, an estimated two-thirds of juvenile delinquents possess some sort of mental or psychological problem, and a similar percentage of re-entries into the juvenile justice system are marked for treatment. 
What makes these elevated rates of mental illness so unfortunate is the fact they often occur alongside other problems that can obscure the need to address serious those chronic mental deficiencies. Drug abuse cases and reports of mental health complications are highly related, extremely likely to occur together, and develop within a short amount of time.
In addition, the ratio of available staff child psychologists in detention facilities and children in need for mental health interventions and other services is decidedly disadvantageous to the juvenile. Sadly, children are either neglected by health programs or receive generic treatment that does little to assuage their symptoms.

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