Careers in juvenile justice can be found in many different jobs. Whatever that career choice may be, a formal or informal “benefits versus difficulties” analysis should be run by a prospective employee in the field of juvenile justice. On the minus side of things, a job in juvenile justice can be a very trying thing, and thus, demands experience in working with children, patience, forcefulness when needed, and a strong commitment to improving the lives of youths, among other things.
Another unfortunate reality of juvenile justice is it will often take practitioners to neighborhoods and communities where negative environmental resources are abundant and monetary resources are not. Thus, not only is the work hard and the hours long, but the rewards for the employee and the children they are trying to protect may be limited.
Regardless, a career in juvenile justice may prove most satisfying under the notion that one’s deeds are done in the best interests of children, families and communities in need. Usually, the best juvenile justice workers are the people with the highest ratings of intrinsic motivation. Additionally, with the incidence of juvenile crime still so high and some people not willing to do certain jobs within this field for fear of working for delinquent populations or smaller salaries, many professions under the juvenile justice umbrella are in high demand and may offer the employee more job security than other sectors might traditionally expect.