It is the primary goal of fathers’ rights
advocates to educate men on a father’s parental rights. One extent of the law
to which fathers’ rights advocates feel the need to instruct
men in regards to a father’s parental rights is in
relation to contempt filings.
There are some circumstances where fathers have a
legitimate reason for being unable to
comply with a court–mandated decision. For this reason, fathers’ rights
advocates will spend part of the father’s parental rights education process
teaching them about contempt of court filings. When a court order is violated,
the judge may find the offending party in contempt of court.
Fathers’ rights advocates know that some fathers are
not aware that they have the right to “show cause” why they are not
able to meet the obligations ordered by the court. If adequate reason can be
presented, a judge may rescind the finding of contempt. Additionally, many of
the fathers’ rights
advocates themselves have a legal background or are able to recommend counsel