The usage of an at home paternity test has come to be one of the popular options used to establish paternity. One important detail to note about an at home paternity test is that with a home DNA paternity test, a person is going to be responsible for personally collecting the DNA.
You will not be given the luxury of a legal paternity test in which one of the contributing factors that make this type of testing legal is the fact that, unlike an at home paternity test, there is a third-party medical professional that will take on the responsibility of administering the test.
With a home DNA paternity test, you will have no legal proof of the origins of the DNA. In addition, with a home DNA paternity test, you will not have a medical professional to confirm the proper use of the DNA test. It would probably be best to have a medical professional administer the test if one plans to use it in court.
Many have come to find that there are not only drawbacks to an at home paternity test, but also some positive aspects to them. Indeed, a home DNA paternity test also has some positives that cannot go unmentioned. If an at home DNA paternity test is properly administered, the results are often said to fall within the same frame of accuracy as a medical facility, which are 99.9 percent accurate.
In addition, with an at home paternity test, it is possible to receive the results as soon as three days after the home DNA paternity test has been received at the testing site. Also adding to that element of convenience in terms of an at home paternity test, is the different methods in which you are able to gain access to the home DNA paternity test results. Some of the ways in which you are able to receive those speedy at home paternity test results are by fax, mail, or even by e-mail.